Yoz!!! I mix up this three post together coz I got a lot pending post.
Meet the blogger Jasonmumbles
I meet Jasonmumbles and his friends few weeks ago during Yum Cha session at Seri Kembangan. This guy not just passion on blogging but enjoy eating as well. I am so happy to meet a bunch of guys that like to eat. Eating food such happy thing in my life.

From left to right: Hungwei, Jason, Ahkwong and me.

After the Yum Cha session we went back to Sri Petaling to have our Supper. This was my favourite and aslo famous in my home place. Chicken Wo Bao!!!

Having Fun in JCO
Me, Hungwei and his housemate Hung Tat having dinner at Low Yat Plaza Happiness Restaurant before went to Pavilion JCO Doughtnut.
The Food we order. Sorry I not quite remember the food name. But I only remember the Beef Burger that I ate almost plug my teeth away. The beef was so keras and difficult to bite…yarks!!

After finish the food we went to Pavilion to wait for NKwai. Lucky that night was Wednesday so we quene lest than half an hour.

Finally I get the chance to taste the Doughnut. Taste good and soft and I love the choclate chip one.

Posing at Bintang walk while walking back to Timesquare.

Mich Birthday Party at Izzi
Our mission for this Birthday party is to make Mich cry that day. To make this Birthday special we replace the cakes with JCO doughnut. It was a very long quene and that day was Saturday. Besides, we invite mich mother to come along while Mich ignore this and let her suprise.

We bought 2 dozen this time.

Close up shots for the yummy doughnuts.

The Birthday celebration start by 8pm that night, we all gather at IZZI. The Birthday Gal that show as below. Wish you happy always and a lot of place to travel.

Mich was suprize to watch her mom came to celebrate with her. She was a great mom coz travel from penang to KL for celebrating her Birthday. She was crying that night…..wakakaka

Besides, there was special blogger come that night and first time met her. The Rockin Silverisle.

The food from Izzi. Taste not bad at all and thankz to Nkwai orelse we don’t have 50% discount on the food.

So camho time!!!

Group Pic Start from the left :Joshua, Mich’s mother, Mich, Princess Eileen, Nkwai and Hungwei
From the right: Silverisle, Anston, Hiew and Ahkwong

Good nite!!! my post update until here.